Current Series (Page 36)

Current Series (Page 36)

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Chapter 11 – Pt.1

As believers in Christ we are under Chapter 11 protection. We place our lives in the protection of Gods promises. What is faith? What is it not? What does faith do? Don’t get trapped in today’s false dichotomy of faith. Have a firm, settled, confidence in God’s plans.

Now What?

Liferoads has made a big move. We moved buildings. Now What? First let’s ask, “Who are we?” We are rooted in the Bible as truth. We are Jesus is center. As Peter told Jesus, “To whom would we go? You have words of eternal life.” Let us prayerfully consider what God is calling us to next – in bringing life abundant (Jn 10:10b).

Turn and Receive Grace

A crippled man is healed through Peter and he tells the crowd, “You have put to death the author of life, but God has raised Him [so repent and receive His grace].” This is a metaphor for us, crippled and in need of His healing. Turn to His grace.

Easter Service 2016

Jesus could have said he had the power to resurrect Lazarus, but he said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” What does it mean that Jesus IS THE Resurrection?

Signs of Life – Gentleness

Words can hurt deeply and can heal beautifully. Gentleness or Meekness is power under control. Jesus had/has the power beyond the universe and his yoke is easy.

Signs of Life – Kindness

It isn’t really about being kind, it is about being transformed into kindness. The fruit of the spirit are Gods traits. They develop together. Put on Jesus yoke of kindness and be transformed.

Signs of Life – Patience

Often out impatience is due to our table not matching up with Gods. Ultimately it could be a trust issue. Trust God, be patient. His timing is perfect.

Signs of Life – Peace

The Apostle Paul gives us an action plan in Philippians 4 for what to do when peace is replaced with anxiety and how to cultivate an environment of peace.

Signs of Life – Joy

Joy (Happiness) is such an important emotion for us. But it isn’t the source. God is the source, Joy is the fruit. Let your joy be free of circumstances and be filled from the Lord. “The world is poor because her fortune is buried in the sky and all her treasure maps are of earth.” –Calvin Miller