Current Series (Page 36)

Current Series (Page 36)

Listen to the current sermon series

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What is your Perspective?

Ecclesiastes – Pt.9 Life can be very confusing, paradoxical and just an out right enigma. But, we need to have the proper perspective. We really don’t know Gods entire picture for us so we need to focus on enjoying what He has gifted us. Enjoy live as you experience it. Enjoy simple and good things with the hope of Gods just judgment.

Faith and Money

Ecclesiastes – Pt.7 Money is a tool, don’t let it become an idol. Work hard, work honest and trust in the Lord to provide.

How to Approach God

Ecclesiastes – Pt.6 How should one approach God? Your words have weight, don’t take them lightly. Approach God with fear (reverence). Not as in “be scared”, but with great humility and respect.

True Justice

Ecclesiastes – Pt.4 Justice is a desire for Gods will. But this world is filled with injustice. Jesus will judge and make all things right.

Time Makes all the Difference

Ecclesiastes – Pt.3 Time is powerful. Time is limited. God is sovereign over time. We need to trust Jesus with the fullness of the time we have been given.


Ecclesiastes – Pt.1 Where do you draw meaning? The author of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) begins looking at the many world views that offer meaning and recognizes that all is futile without God.

Chapter 11 – Pt.5

The day to day Christian walk can be very challenging. Look to Jesus as out model. The source of our help and the source of grace.

Chapter 11 – Pt.4

When you look forward into the future it is good to reflect on the past as well. Hebrews 11 gives us a reflection of the faithful that “the world is not worthy”. If the climax of the Bible is you and your faithful service to God, how does it read? Is it worthy?