Sermons on 2 Kings

Sermons on 2 Kings

Christmas Presence – Part 3

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” God, desiring to be near His creation met them in the Holiest of the Holy place in temple. That temple took different forms over time and today, God resides in us. We are the temple of God.

Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 9

The final part of the series, Elisha prophesied that God would deliver Israel from siege. The armies of Samaria flee and the spoils are found by lepers. Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread, the bread of life.

Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 5

Elijah invests in the next generation, he calls Elisha to the service of God. Elisha, “burns the yokes” of his past and asks for double blessings of the Lords spirit. God blesses a nation through revival. Pray for revival in our land.