Current Series (Page 12)

Current Series (Page 12)

Listen to the current sermon series

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Practical Faith, Pt. 3

Temptation is the focus of our study today in the Book of James. What, or whom, is the source of temptation, what is the process that it takes, and perhaps most importantly, what is the solution to it?

Practical Faith, Pt. 2

James encourages believers to ask God for His wisdom when faced with the multitude of decisions, big and small, that we face every day. The alternative to wisdom is foolishness, and living a life that is tossed to and fro by the tumultuous waves of circumstances.

Practical Faith – Pt. 1

Today’s introductory message to a new summer series on the Book of James focuses on the first four verses, the background of the author (the brother of Jesus), and James’ immediate encouragement to believers to count all suffering and trials as joy … say what? How do we do that? Pastor Donnie gives specific help to do just that.

Rival Gods – Pt. 4

In this final message in his teaching series, “Rival Gods,” Pastor Donnie Johnson compares how our world views and defines power to how the all-powerful God of the universe views it and wants His followers to steward whatever power they have. Pastor Donnie uses Jesus’ example of humble service in John 13 to instruct us.

Rival Gods – Pt. 3

In part 3 of Pastor Donnie Johnson’s Sunday teaching series, “Rival Gods,” he examines the potential rival to a Christian’s wholehearted worship of God: the “Rival God” of sex.

Rival Gods – Pt. 2

Do you rule your money … or does your desire for more money rule over you? In part 2 of Pastor Donnie Johnson’s Sunday teaching series, “Rival Gods,” he examines Jesus’ parable of the dishonest manager, found in Luke 16, to find the perspective we should have about the wealth and resources God has given us to steward in this life. Recorded on Sunday, May 29, 2022, at Liferoads Church in Spokane, Washington.

Rival Gods – Pt. 1

Pastor Donnie says that we should think about the Christian life as an ongoing process of submitting our lives to Christ, worshipping the true God, and getting rid of any rivals to Him. Over the next three weeks, Pastor Donnie will look at the big three rivals for Christians today are money, sex and power.

Love God with All Your Mind – Pt. 3

What do you do with the inevitable fear and anxieties of this life? Pastor Donnie Johnson uses the story in Isaiah 36 and 37 as an example of what Christians should do when faced with scary situations, whether real or imagined, that cause anxiety and worry. In that passage, King Hezekiah was faced with a very real existential threat when Jerusalem was surrounded by the threat and might of the Assyrian Army, bent on destroying the King and his capital city. How did the king respond? And what did the Lord do for Hezekiah?

Love God with All Your Mind – Pt. 2

Is your mindset important for your spiritual life? The word “mindset” doesn’t appear in Scripture, but it does appear flipped around as the phrase “set your mind,” and is very important, according to Pastor Donnie Johnson in part 2 of his teaching series, “Love God with All Your Mind.” For example, the way that you think about God, yourself and the world affects your prayer life greatly, and other essential elements of the Christian life.

Love God with All Your Mind – Pt. 1

What is the greatest commandment? According to Jesus it is “…you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” In this introduction to his new teaching series, Pastor Donnie Johnson focuses on how to “Love God with All Your Mind” and explains why protecting one’s mind and thought life is so vital to living the Christian life.

Look to Jesus

Pastor Donnie takes a look at Jesus through the eyes of Peter and examines how Peter’s understanding of Jesus and who He is changed and deepened over time through five different encounters between the two.