Sermons on Scripture
Stirred Up – Week 2
This week in 2 Peter 1:16-21, Donnie talks about the power of scripture. The Bible isn’t just any book. Peter explained how they have written from first-hand experience of Jesus. The message is the light of God; it is God’s guide to your life. One has to ask themselves, What is the authority in your life? I will put my trust in the revelation of our creator. Isaiah 55:8-92 Timothy 3:16-17Hebrews 4:16
Practical Faith, Pt. 4
Words matter, and God’s Word always brings life … but our words can either encourage or do great harm, according to Pastor Donnie.
Practicing the Presence of God – Part 2
How do we live life in God’s presence? We need to know that God speaks, and we need God’s Word more than food. God’s Word is precious. Actively put yourself in Jesus’ path by reading His Holy Word.
Wrestling with God
Genesis 32 Hosea 12:2-6 Psalms 8 Taking a deep canonical reading of the story of Jacob wrestling with God, reveals some very intense concepts. Concepts of identity and reality that encourage us, as believers, today.
To The Ends Of The Earth – Part 8
Acts 8:26-28Acts 8:29-31Acts 8:32-35Isaiah 53:1-12Romans 8:18-25Acts 8:36-40Acts 8:6-25
Rise Up – Part 2
Luke 24:13-35Luke 24:1-9
Resilient Faith – Part 2
2 Timothy 3:14-17James 1:22-25Colossians 3:16
How to Grow – Pt. 3
The author of Hebrews gives us four things to do as Christians. Let us draw near to God, hold fast, stir up love and meet together encouraging each other.
How to Grow – Pt. 2
The spiritual discipline of reading Scripture, or doing devotions, is a major influence on how we grow. 2 Timothy tells us that Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
Discipline of Scripture – Dwell Richly
Consistent reading of scripture can have a very powerful impact. We pray that you can move from a feeling of obligation and becomes a time of great pleasure.
Discipline of Scripture Reading
Being Jesus people means being bible people. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
With the new year here it is a great time to be dedicated to some good spiritual disciplines. Let’s talk about reading scripture and prayer.