Sermons on Romans (Page 3)

Sermons on Romans (Page 3)

Knowing God by Name – Jehovah Jireh

Abraham was called to sacrifice his only son; the son of promise. Abraham trusted God, and in doing so came to know God as the One who provides: Jehovah Jireh. Just as God promised a ram in the place of Isaac, so God has provided a lamb to be sacrificed in our place; His own Son, Jesus Christ.

Apostles Creed – Resurrection

Reasons to believe in the Resurrection of Christ and why does it matter? Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, but to make dead people live. He defeated death. Be steadfast in knowing it is not in vain.

Apostles Creed – Creator

The Apostles Creed begins with believing in God the creator. God has made Himself plain in creation and sometimes we are too close to creation to recognize the creator.


There is a shift in how this culture sees community. It is not as deep. It is not as frequent. But we still need that community. The Church should be meeting this role. Pursue community in Christ.

Out Tent, Our Task – Pt.1

We are an intersection between the physical and spiritual world. Even though our bodies are temporary tents, we are being renewed day by day preparing us to take possession of a greater dwelling in heaven. So while on earth we are called to serve Jesus to the best of our ability.

Storyline – Easter

Through the great story line of the universe (creation-fall-redemption-restoration) Jesus completes us and we are the continuation of the story.

Storyline – Restoration

Though this world is broken we can be reconciled with God. In that reconciliation we are being transformed and restored. In the same restoration we will be fully restored to a glorified state when Jesus the perfect king and judge returns. We are not home yet.

Storyline – Fall

Why isn’t the world the way it should be? Well, the answer is sin. It all began at the fall. This event from Genesis has an impact to this day, globally, relationally and personally. Until sin is bitter Christ will not be sweat.

Questions God Asks – Pt.4

Jesus asks, to what benefit is gaining the world? We must understand that Christianity is not a warm blanket, it is the Cross. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me, Jesus said. It is the only repair for our broken happiness-detector. Choose Jesus and be transformed.