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Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 5
Elijah invests in the next generation, he calls Elisha to the service of God. Elisha, “burns the yokes” of his past and asks for double blessings of the Lords spirit. God blesses a nation through revival. Pray for revival in our land.
Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 4
Elijah’s expectation of Israel’s response to the slaughter of the prophets was met with a harsh reality. He went from a mountain top moment to running for his life. The LORD comes close, encourages and guides him again.
Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 3
The time of Elijah was very different than now, but humans are not so different. We need to know who God is and who we are. Ask God to help us identify our idols and take them to task.
Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 2
God provides! We look at a story of how God provides for Elijah in remarkable ways Though God’s provision for you will not likely come from ravens dropping food He will provide generously and powerfully in your life.
Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 1
We tend to think of Old Testament times as so different from our own – full of strange, old-fashioned problems that we might have trouble relating to in our modern era. When we take a closer look, though, we find that our times are not much different from theirs in some of the most important ways. Sure, our lives are different because of technology and modern conveniences, but the challenge of where we should place our hope and the battle between the true God and rival gods remains. Our times have their own false gods that demand our allegiance and tempt us to turn our eyes away from the living God. We will be looking at a key story each week from the lives of Elijah and Elisha in 1 and 2 Kings. These stories will help us understand and remember how to place our faith firmly in the true God in a time of widespread unbelief.
To the Ends of the Earth – Part 20
These final chapters of Acts are a great example of both earthy love for all and heavenly minded devotion. Paul shows us how the Gospel is for all peoples, cultures and times. Because, Jesus is Lord of all!
To the Ends of the Earth – Part 19
We all have a powerful tool for the Kingdom of God. Your testimony! Today we look at a history changing statement from Paul on trail. He tells kings that Christianity is true and rational, and prayed that all who hear him might become just like him, except for the chains. Your statement can be just as powerful.
To the Ends of the Earth – Part 18
Paul completes his third missionary journey in Jerusalem where he is confronted with all sorts of trouble. In the midst of riot and arrest, Paul keeps a ‘hope filled – Big God’ perspective. Paul takes the opportunity of a riotous crowd to preach the good news of Christ through his testimony.
Wrestling with God
Genesis 32 Hosea 12:2-6 Psalms 8 Taking a deep canonical reading of the story of Jacob wrestling with God, reveals some very intense concepts. Concepts of identity and reality that encourage us, as believers, today.