Sermons on Marriage

Sermons on Marriage

Sojourners & Exiles – Week 5

Today Peter talks about marriage. This can be a touchy subject, but realize that God has made it a unique institution for immense growth. It is one of the few institutions that God established, and if respected, it has a very powerful spiritual effect. 1 Peter 3:1-7 has encouraging words for wives and husbands. Respect, love, and honor each other. Value each other as Christ values you! Act to each other the way Jesus has acted to you—in patience, dignity,…

Oikos: Biblical Wisdom for Marriage & Home – Part 3

Even in the healthiest of relationships there is conflict. Paul writes a beautiful and powerful guide to the broken church of Corinth. From it we can learn the power of and importance of love. Have hope, be kind and extend grace, always fueled by our our future hope promised by our Lord.

Oikos: Biblical Wisdom for Marriage & Home – Part 2

The culture gives us a false premise of marriage. It is a relationship for holiness and not built on the fickle foundations of emotion. The biblical premise of marriage is submission to each other through submission to Christ. It is Christ who completes us, and relationships guided by that principle build up and heal.

Ephesians – Sit, Walk, Stand – Pt.10

Parenting is hard. It deserves honor. But as parents we should also be careful to “raise up” our children in the “tenor” that the Lord has for them. It takes humility, patience and prayer, lots of it.

Ephesians – Sit, Walk, Stand – Pt.9

This is a marriage. Some times we need to get back to the simple basics and understand the foundation of relationships. Marriage is a covenant, not just an agreement, and in this covenant is the reflection of the relationship with God.

The One I Love – Pt.3

Sex is God’s Idea. God created the world, he created us, and he created sex, but it needs to have boundaries or it can be very damaging. Sex is beautiful and can glory God in a marriage.

The One I Love – Pt.2

We have deep desires and passions and we need to look to Jesus to fulfill them. In your marriage chose ministry over manipulation. Make some practical rules about how you resolve conflict before you are in one.

The One I Love – Pt.1

The cultural view of marriage is a magical feeling, but we need to understand it is a covenant. A strong marriage is united with God and with effort produces fruit abundant.