Sermons on Hebrews

Sermons on Hebrews

Stirred Up – Week 2

This week in ⁠2 Peter 1:16-21⁠, Donnie talks about the power of scripture. The Bible isn’t just any book. Peter explained how they have written from first-hand experience of Jesus. The message is the light of God; it is God’s guide to your life. One has to ask themselves, What is the authority in your life? I will put my trust in the revelation of our creator. Isaiah 55:8-92 Timothy 3:16-17Hebrews 4:16

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 2

How do we live life in God’s presence? We need to know that God speaks, and we need God’s Word more than food. God’s Word is precious. Actively put yourself in Jesus’ path by reading His Holy Word.

Christmas Presence – Part 2

The world is broken. Since the fall we know we are not at home. There are many pointers in the bible showing us the hope we have in God’s Kingdom. We confidently climb Mnt. Zion.

The King – Part 12

2 Samuel 12:9Psalm 51:1-11Psalm 51:12-19Hebrews 12:1 God uses imperfect people Take sin seriously Repentance is a regular part of our life with God

Paradox – Part 5

The paradox this week is seeing the unseen. Faith is the key to being able to “see” that which is unseen. Not that the unseen is able to be seen with the physical eyes, but the spirit perceives the unseen through faith.

The Life – Part 3

Gathering to worship with the church is a practice that helps us to abide in Christ. The church is a “who” far more than it is a “where.” People are worshipers by nature; they don’t choose whether they will worship, they can only decide who or what to worship. The church gathers to worship God together.