Sermon Archive (Page 19)

Sermon Archive (Page 19)

Begin With the End in Mind

John 14:1-3Romans 8:18-25Colossians 3:1-4 Heaven gives us perspective about any troubles we may face today Heaven helps us think correctly about our time and possessions Heaven helps us to have our focus in the right place

Revolutionary Prayer – Part 6

Matthew 6:13 Our spiritual life should be a part of our prayer life Be prepared for trials and temptation Ephesians 6:12-13 3. Jesus offers leadership and deliverance John 16:33

Revolutionary Prayer – Part 5

Matthew 6:12Matthew 6:14-15 3 Key Principles of Forgiveness:1. Forgiven people need to be forgiving people Ephesians 4:322. Forgiveness is “paying it forward”3. The one who asks us to forgive provides us the help to forgive

Revolutionary Prayer – Part 4

Matthew 6:11 Remember that prayer is about more than our needs Every good thing in our life is a gift Life is best lived one day at a time Matthew 6:25-34Philippians 4:6-7John 6:31-35

Revolutionary Prayer – Part 3

Matthew 6:10Philippians 3:20 This prayer humbles us Our allegiance belongs to King Jesus Jesus will be victorious Three Pastoral insights for this political moment:– Treat people with kingdom values– Engage with politics and government as a kingdom citizen– Jesus reigns and He is our hope Revelation 7:9-10Matthew 6:9-13