Sermon Archive (Page 11)

Sermon Archive (Page 11)

Bible Stories, Pt. 5 – The 10 Plagues

How can lesser humans understand who an all-powerful, all-knowing God is, what Yahweh is like? The 10 plagues that God used to judge Egypt do much to reveal how much greater the God of the people of Israel is than any of the pantheon of gods that were worshipped in Egypt at the time of the Exodus.

Bible Stories, Pt. 1 – Creation

The Bible is full of big, epic stories that give us a sense of how big our God is and remind us to trust Him. These stories point us toward Jesus and are a part of an even larger story – a story so big that it sweeps us into it as well. Here in part 1, Pastor Donnie takes a fresh look at the account of creation in Genesis and tells us how Jesus can be found there “in the beginning.”

Fully Alive Pt. 2

Christianity is a team sport. In Ephesians chapter 4, we are told the goal of this Christian life, both individually and together as believers in the body of Christ.

Fully Alive

What do we mean when we say we exist to “help people become fully alive in Christ?” Pastor Donnie takes a fresh look at the heartbeat behind our mission as a church.

Practical Faith – Pt. 14

In the final two verses of the Book of James, Jesus’ half-brother encourages believers to engage in a Christian search and rescue mission when a fellow believer goes astray.

Practical Faith – Pt. 12

In part 12 of our summer study of the Book of James, Craig Schafer teaches on James 5:7-12 and refers to doing versus thinking as a balancing act of faith.

Practical Faith – Pt. 10

James highlights that we should not act as the judge. Leave that up to Jesus, we should seek the Lord in all thing and encourage each other toward Jesus.