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Imagine a Life Changed
Jesus didn’t just see a crowd he saw individuals with eternal worth. Can we see people in the same way and change a life?
Imagine a World Impacted
Jesus builds bridges across cultures and over barriers.
Imagine a City Changed
God tells the Israelites to seek the welfare of the city when they were exiled to Babylon. For he knows the plans for them, to prosper them. In a similar way we should seek the welfare of out city. Though we are exiles in this land and a culture separate from this culture. Have an impact.
Imagine a Church on a Mission
LIferoads exists to help people become fully alive in Christ. Like the first church seen in Acts, be devoted to Gods word, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer.
“What would Jesus say to President_______?”
John 18:33 – 19:11 Philippians 3:20 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Amazing Grace – Was Blind Now I See
We are blinded by the world, the Holy Spirit gives us a supernatural sight.
Amazing Grace – One Was Lost Now I’m Found
The more we understand about Gods grace the more we extend it to others. We are His ambassadors of extraordinary and every day grace.
Amazing Grace – That Saved a Wretch Like Me
Becoming aware of our sin is the first steps to salvation and a continual part of Christian maturity. Grace enables us to be humble and confident at the same time.
Amazing Grace – How Sweet the Sound
Why is grace so amazing? It gives life to the dead, the spiritually dead. Oh, how sweet the sound.
Be My Witnesses
Our testimony about how Jesus changed our lives is our “review” on Christianity. The gospel is spread through testimonies. “Speak the gospel all the time, use words if necessary.
Come and See
Evangelism can be terrifying, but the Gospel travels through interpersonal lives. Just tell your story, be you. Here are nine ideas on how to share without pressure. Have a vision of transformation, Gods vision.
Lessons from Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes Pt.15
Perspective is powerful, don’t forget the big picture. Let wisdom guide, Let wisdom be an anchor. Enjoy Gods gifts and revere Him. For wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.