Current Series (Page 3)

Current Series (Page 3)

Listen to the current sermon series

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Summer in the Psalms, Pt. 5

Pastor Donnie says the word “repent” needs some re-branding, so that it will be perceived by those who hear it as a gift, rather than as a condemnation. Teaching through Psalm 51, he looks at what it means to repent.Hebrews 12:1 Psalm 51:1-191 John 2:1


How can we live each day as though we are sent by Jesus to share Him with the world? Pastor Donnie looks at John 17:18.

Upper Room, Pt. 10

In John 17, Jesus prayed what’s known as the High Priestly prayer. Here Pastor Donnie looks at what Jesus prayed for us, His disciples to come in the ages ahead: For unity, love and the hope of Heaven.

Upper Room, Pt. 9

After finishing His Upper Room Discourse on the night of His arrest, Jesus gave what’s known as the High Priestly prayer in John 17.

Upper Room, Pt. 8

Pastor Donnie picks up his study of Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse at John 16:16, where Jesus wraps up His final message to His disciples on the night He will be arrested, the night before His crucifixion.

Upper Room, Pt. 7

Kylan Kracher continues our study of the Upper Room Discourse, taking a look at John 15:26-16:15 and the person and work of the Holy Spirit.