Current Series (Page 3)

Current Series (Page 3)

Listen to the current sermon series

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Upper Room, Pt. 3

Pastor Donnie continues our current study of the Upper Room Discourse, Jesus’ teaching to His disciples right before being betrayed.

Upper Room, pt. 2

Craig Shafer continues our current study of the Upper Room Discourse, Jesus’ teaching to His disciples right before being betrayed.

Upper Room, Pt. 1

In the Upper Room not long before His arrest, knowing what is about to happen to Him, Jesus has important things to teach His disciples. In this new series about what is now known as the Upper Room Discourse, Pastor Donnie here takes a look at John 13:1-17, and Jesus’ example of servant leadership.

New Creation

Pastor Donnie explains three new things that happen to each of us when we receive the resurrected Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

10 Words, Pt. 7

The seventh of God’s 10 Commandments says “You shall not commit adultery.” In our sex-obsessed world, is that commandment still possible or relevant today? Absolutely, says Pastor Donnie.

10 WORDS, Pt. 6

Most in this world would agree with the sixth of God’s 10 Commandments: You shall not murder. But, why is human life inherently valuable? Pastor Donnie says that our culture has a casual view of the value of human life.