Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 2)
What in the World?
John 3:16-171 John 2:15-17John 17:14-18Romans 12:2James 1:27Matthew 5:13-16
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 10
Jesus says (paraphrasing), “This is the kind of life I want youth live, and the kind of live I’m going to help you live.”
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 1
From time to time we become aware that there are gaps between the world we live in and the way Jesus has taught us to live. In this new series, we will explore Jesus’ teachings from his sermon on the mount.
How to Grow – Pt. 4
Throughout this series we have looked at 3 core habits of the Christian: reading Scripture, attending church, and today’s topic, prayer. Prayer is not complicated; a young child can pray. But it can be difficult! No one feels like they are an expert at prayer. Everyone feels like they need to improve. Lets explore how to grow in our prayer lives.
How to Grow – Pt. 2
The spiritual discipline of reading Scripture, or doing devotions, is a major influence on how we grow. 2 Timothy tells us that Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
Going Public – Pt. 5
As Christians, we also have the opportunity to go public before authority figures. It is important to remember that authorities have been placed in the positions they have by God. We must therefore show proper honor and respect, regardless of whether we feel they deserve it or not.
Going Public – Pt. 4
There is a great temptation, because it is so easy, to design our lives so we have as little contact as possible with those who do not share our faith. As Christians, we often need to make a conscious effort to bring those who would not call themselves Christians into our sphere of influence. This week gives us some tips on how to do just that.
Going Public – Pt. 3
Going public with our faith requires boldness. In the book of Acts, the apostles are shown to be bold witnesses for Christ. This week we explore the recipe for being bold in our witness. First is to have time with Jesus. Second is to be a part of a community. Third is to pray big prayers.
Going Public – Pt. 2
Jesus calls His followers to be the light of the world. He calls them to go out and make disciples. You don’t have to have all the answers to all the questions before you go public with your faith. God has positioned you in someone’s life that will only hear the gospel message from you. All you need to say is, “This is what happened to me!”
Going Public – Pt. 1
Do you have a private faith or a public faith? Our faith is supposed to be visible to all. It is supposed to be shared. Our faith needs to permeate our whole person because most people can’t disconnect the “message” from “the messenger.” This is why our lives have to reflect the message we are trying to communicate.
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