Sermons on Church (Page 3)

Sermons on Church (Page 3)

Ephesians – Sit, Walk, Stand – Pt. 4

Again, your identity: remember you were formally excluded, now you are included. Jesus breaks down the wall of enmity and calls us to be unified in the church. Build on His foundation, build the temple with living stones.

First Love

As Christians, we can have a tendency to lose the passion and motivation we experienced as new believers. When that happens, John gives us three steps we can take to refuel our passion: Remember, Repent, and Return.

Apostles Creed – The Church

Church is the body of Christ, His bride and our spiritual family. It is not the building. The church is not a kiosk for spiritual goods. Church is a unique way of being with Christ. Come be a part of it.


There is a shift in how this culture sees community. It is not as deep. It is not as frequent. But we still need that community. The Church should be meeting this role. Pursue community in Christ.

Imagine a City Changed

God tells the Israelites to seek the welfare of the city when they were exiled to Babylon. For he knows the plans for them, to prosper them. In a similar way we should seek the welfare of out city. Though we are exiles in this land and a culture separate from this culture. Have an impact.

Imagine a Church on a Mission

LIferoads exists to help people become fully alive in Christ. Like the first church seen in Acts, be devoted to Gods word, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer.