"Spiritual Discipline" Tagged Sermons

"Spiritual Discipline" Tagged Sermons

Sojourners & Exiles – Week 6

Your attitude has the power to change how you live. Drawing from 1 Peter 3:8-22, this message highlights how Christlike attitudes—like compassion and humility—shape our responses to tough situations, helping us to bless others, trust God, and live with purpose.

Love God with All Your Mind – Pt. 2

Is your mindset important for your spiritual life? The word “mindset” doesn’t appear in Scripture, but it does appear flipped around as the phrase “set your mind,” and is very important, according to Pastor Donnie Johnson in part 2 of his teaching series, “Love God with All Your Mind.” For example, the way that you think about God, yourself and the world affects your prayer life greatly, and other essential elements of the Christian life.

Love God with All Your Mind – Pt. 1

What is the greatest commandment? According to Jesus it is “…you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” In this introduction to his new teaching series, Pastor Donnie Johnson focuses on how to “Love God with All Your Mind” and explains why protecting one’s mind and thought life is so vital to living the Christian life.

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 4

Where is the Church in Jesus life? Good question, since Jesus only says the word twice. But when He talks about the Church, it is very weighty. We need the Church – to grow, to learn, to love each other. The Church needs us – to encourage each other, to help each other. The Church was born in song, it is an act of worship and God blesses us through the Church as we bless others.

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 2

How do we live life in God’s presence? We need to know that God speaks, and we need God’s Word more than food. God’s Word is precious. Actively put yourself in Jesus’ path by reading His Holy Word.

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 1

How do we live in God’s presence? Receive His gracious gift and act on the virtue of faith. It isn’t all about working for faith, it isn’t all about waiting on Jesus, there is a concurrence. Work with the gifts God has given you to produce fruit through virtue and love.

How to Grow – Pt. 4

Throughout this series we have looked at 3 core habits of the Christian: reading Scripture, attending church, and today’s topic, prayer. Prayer is not complicated; a young child can pray. But it can be difficult! No one feels like they are an expert at prayer. Everyone feels like they need to improve. Lets explore how to grow in our prayer lives.

How to Grow – Pt. 2

The spiritual discipline of reading Scripture, or doing devotions, is a major influence on how we grow. 2 Timothy tells us that Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.

The Art and Science of Gratitude – Pt. 2

Quite often we get the feeling of joy and gratitude in reverse order. We think that if we are feeling joy that it will make us grateful. This is backwards. We need to be grateful first, no matter the circumstances, and the feelings of joy will follow.

First Love

As Christians, we can have a tendency to lose the passion and motivation we experienced as new believers. When that happens, John gives us three steps we can take to refuel our passion: Remember, Repent, and Return.
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