Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 9)

Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 9)

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 4

Where is the Church in Jesus life? Good question, since Jesus only says the word twice. But when He talks about the Church, it is very weighty. We need the Church – to grow, to learn, to love each other. The Church needs us – to encourage each other, to help each other. The Church was born in song, it is an act of worship and God blesses us through the Church as we bless others.

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 2

How do we live life in God’s presence? We need to know that God speaks, and we need God’s Word more than food. God’s Word is precious. Actively put yourself in Jesus’ path by reading His Holy Word.

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 1

How do we live in God’s presence? Receive His gracious gift and act on the virtue of faith. It isn’t all about working for faith, it isn’t all about waiting on Jesus, there is a concurrence. Work with the gifts God has given you to produce fruit through virtue and love.

Christmas Presence – Part 4

How does one live with the presence of God now; now that you are holy, set aside, and meant for a special purpose? Live as you are the temple of God. The fire of the Holy Spirit lives in you!

Christmas service

Since the fall, God has been working his plan on redeeming humanity and reuniting his relationship with us. Jesus’ incarnation is pinnacle of his plan. God came to earth and dwelt among us. Now we all have access to a relationship with the creator.

Christmas Presence – Part 3

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” God, desiring to be near His creation met them in the Holiest of the Holy place in temple. That temple took different forms over time and today, God resides in us. We are the temple of God.

Christmas Presence – Part 2

The world is broken. Since the fall we know we are not at home. There are many pointers in the bible showing us the hope we have in God’s Kingdom. We confidently climb Mnt. Zion.

Christmas Presence – Part 1

One of the most powerful pieces of the Christmas story is the phrase “God with us.” This is an amazing thought! Though humanity first hid from God’s presence He continues to draw nearer and nearer to his people. The story of God coming to be with us is powerful. Living in God’s presence is where we find true fulfillment and joy.

Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 9

The final part of the series, Elisha prophesied that God would deliver Israel from siege. The armies of Samaria flee and the spoils are found by lepers. Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread, the bread of life.