Sermons on Philippians (Page 3)
Out Tent, Our Task – Pt.1
We are an intersection between the physical and spiritual world. Even though our bodies are temporary tents, we are being renewed day by day preparing us to take possession of a greater dwelling in heaven. So while on earth we are called to serve Jesus to the best of our ability.
“What would Jesus say to President_______?”
John 18:33 – 19:11 Philippians 3:20 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Rejoice, Remove, Remember
Ecclesiastes Pt.14
Rejoice in the Lord, remove sins and remember your Creator.
We rejoice today in our youth and in communion.
Signs of Life – Peace
The Apostle Paul gives us an action plan in Philippians 4 for what to do when peace is replaced with anxiety and how to cultivate an environment of peace.