Sermon Archive (Page 9)

Sermon Archive (Page 9)

Meeting Jesus, Pt. 9 – A Meal with a Pharisee

Pastor Donnie takes a look at Jesus’ encounter with a leader of the Pharisees, who invited Jesus to a meal and placed an obviously ill man in front of him to see if Jesus would again heal on the Sabbath Day. Spoiler alert: Jesus does heal, and questions the Pharisee about his apparent legalistic lack of compassion.

Meeting Jesus, Pt. 8

Today Craig Schafer takes a look at Jesus’ encounter with a woman who cleansed the Lord’s feet with her tears and hair, and anointed them with expensive ointment … much to the disdain of the meal’s host, who only saw her as a sinner whom he thought Jesus should shun. Instead Jesus said that her sins, which were many, were forgiven because of her great faith in Him.

Meeting Jesus, Pt. 7 – Zacchaeus

Today Pastor Donnie teaches about Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus, the “wee little” tax collector (as the children’s song says) whose name means “pure and righteous,” and who was anything but until the day he met Jesus.

Meeting Jesus, Pt. 5 – A Paralyzed Man

Jesus’ encounter with a paralyzed man, who was dropped through a roof by the paralytic’s friends who were desperate to get their suffering friend to Jesus for healing, begs the question: how desperate are we to bring our friends to the One who can help them today?

Meeting Jesus, Pt. 4

Pastor Donnie is taking a fresh look at the life and ministry of Jesus each Sunday before Easter, examining His encounter with a different person each week. Today he teaches about Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus.