Sermon Archive (Page 34)

Sermon Archive (Page 34)

Storyline – Fall

Why isn’t the world the way it should be? Well, the answer is sin. It all began at the fall. This event from Genesis has an impact to this day, globally, relationally and personally. Until sin is bitter Christ will not be sweat.

Storyline – Creation

Stories are meaningful. Stories are moving. Stories play a huge part in our lives in the day to day all the way up to changing ones life forever. We resonate with stories. There is one true story that tells all stories, it makes the most sense of the world. The story of the Bible. Today Creation. In the beginning God created.

Questions God Asks – Pt.5

One could say that Peter’s relationship with Jesus was an emotional roller-coaster, moments of historically spiritual highs and lows. We often project Jesus as having a negative attitude toward our failures, but we see from His relationship with Peter that isn’t the case. Offer your whole self and be redeemed by Jesus to be used for His good.

Questions God Asks – Pt.4

Jesus asks, to what benefit is gaining the world? We must understand that Christianity is not a warm blanket, it is the Cross. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me, Jesus said. It is the only repair for our broken happiness-detector. Choose Jesus and be transformed.

Questions God Asks – Pt.2

God asks Elijah, “what are you doing here”. Truth is after facilitating a remarkable miracle showing Israel that there is only one true God, Elijah then runs in fear. God asks that question to bring us to know that He is here, we are not alone. Listen for Him. He often speaks in a still quite voice.

Questions God Asks – Pt.1

It is good to ask questions, they help us understand ourselves better. When God asks questions it helps us know ourselves better and it helps us know Him better. When the Israelites were trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army God asked Moses, “Why do you cry out to me … go forward.” Sometimes that is what we need to here. Have faith, trust in Him and move forward.

Hope and Holiness – Pt.1

Our identity should begin with being a Christian. We are chosen and our faith is the structure that we see the entire cosmos through. The outcome of our faith is the salvation of our soul.

Practice – Service

If we are thinking of serving others by trying harder, there we are missing something. Serving needs to be part of a spiritual discipline. Practice serving through your gifts and in serving sacrificially.

Practice – Prayer

Prayer is very personal and seems to be instinctive and can be powerful. Lets talk about some practical methods to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer.


With the new year here it is a great time to be dedicated to some good spiritual disciplines. Let’s talk about reading scripture and prayer.