Sermon Archive (Page 31)

Sermon Archive (Page 31)

Unexpected Christmas – Pt.2

The wisemen of the Christmas story is a bit unexpected. What was neat is they enter the story with the desire to worship the new King Jesus, that is all. Where king Herod desired to kill Jesus. We need to dethrone the “mini-king” Herod in our hearts and worship Jesus just because of who He is.

Apostles Creed – The Church

Church is the body of Christ, His bride and our spiritual family. It is not the building. The church is not a kiosk for spiritual goods. Church is a unique way of being with Christ. Come be a part of it.

Apostles Creed – Holy Spirit

It is easy to have a personal image of God or Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is more difficult. However, the Holy Spirit is relational. He is our helper, our counselor, our teacher. He is the spirit of truth the spotlight on Jesus. Holy Spirit empower us set us ablaze.

Apostles Creed – Resurrection

Reasons to believe in the Resurrection of Christ and why does it matter? Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, but to make dead people live. He defeated death. Be steadfast in knowing it is not in vain.

Apostles Creed – Jesus

Real love requires sacrifice. That is just what Jesus did. He sacrificed so that we may be reconciled. Gods plan of our reconciliation is something angels long to look on.

Apostles Creed – Who Is God

Many of us have asked, “who is God?” We have a God that is relational. God is tri – unity, the trinity. Relational since before creation. And He speaks human because He wants a relationship with us.

Apostles Creed – Creator

The Apostles Creed begins with believing in God the creator. God has made Himself plain in creation and sometimes we are too close to creation to recognize the creator.


What have you become? What are you becoming? If you look at your Christianity as a suitcase full of rich gifts is your focus only on the destination tag? Open the suitcase and live life to the full. Don’t be a spiritual Mr. Magoo |o)


There is a shift in how this culture sees community. It is not as deep. It is not as frequent. But we still need that community. The Church should be meeting this role. Pursue community in Christ.


Humanity has a desperate need for meaning. Jesus offers us that meaning and a life abundant.