Sermon Archive (Page 24)

Sermon Archive (Page 24)

That You May Believe – Part 5

Life admittedly gets busy for us all. The challenge we face is to be aware of what God is doing around us. Let us try not to miss what He is doing because we are distracted by other cares.

That You May Believe – Part 3

What is it to be born again? People have many varying definitions and understandings of what that phrase means; some positive and some negative. Jesus and Nicodemus talk at length about this topic, recorded for us in John chapter 3.

That You May Believe – Part 2

Have you ever seen an offer that seems just too good to be true? In order to believe something that is being offered to us, we have to trust the source of the offer. Trust is foundational in all relationships.

That You May Believe – Part 1

The gospel of John is an eyewitness testimony of his experience with Jesus. He wrote his gospel so that those who read it would believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that we might have life in His name.

Streams of Living Water

A life with Jesus is truly a gift. We need to be concerned with our pursuit of God before our own happiness. Pursuing Jesus with all that we have and all that we are IS the good life.

Fearless – Pt. 8

David’s lack of fear wasn’t because he was such a brave man on his own. He had courage because of his intimate relationship with God. His big faith was forged in the experiences of his daily life. Trust in God allowed David to be fearless.

Fearless – Pt. 7

Joshua 1:1-9 Why Joshua should be strong and courageous:1. God’s promise2. Spiritual practices3. God’s Presence Numbers 13:16Romans 8:31-39

Fearless – Pt. 6

Galatians 3:29Hebrews 11:1-6Hebrews 11:8-10Genesis 12:1-4 It takes faith to follow God’s call. Hebrews 11:11-12Genesis 15:1-6 It takes faith to follow God’s call and hold on to your convictions. Hebrews 11:13-19 It takes faith to follow God’s call and hold on to your convictions in spite of the circumstances.

Fearless – Pt. 5

Too often it is easiest to focus on the negative things in life. We lose focus of what is most important, and we begin to focus on our circumstances. Fear can have some long-reaching consequences, as we will learn from this week’s story.

Fearless – Pt. 4

Have you ever walked into a thick fog? From the outside it looks so dense! Once you step foot inside the fog, you realize it is not what it seemed from the outside. Fear is similar. When we dissect our fears, we will discover that there is no substance to it.