Sojourners & Exiles Week 8

Sojourners & Exiles Week 8

Today Nathan Harris finishes our teaching on the epistle of 1 Peter. In ⁠1 Peter 4:17–5:14⁠, we find a difficult challenge to grow through suffering. Glory and suffering are two sides of the same coin. But how do we not just get through it; how do we grow through it? We have to be community-minded; we are not alone in this; God has not abandoned us. He put us in a community. Take care of each other. God is drawing us closer (to each other and to Him). To do this, we must live humbly and recognize that we play a part in God’s big story. God does the work; He has the last word, but we are part of the great story of His creation.

So, engage in the community and help each other. Be part of church; serve each other. We are in this all together, and God has appointed us to be the royal priesthood to the world. Let’s worship our creator and Savior as we help each other and grow together.