Sermons from January 2018
Anxious For Nothing – Pt.1
We live in a culture of anxiousness brought on by technology, over-information and social disconnection. When we try to address this anxiousness we too often don’t put prayer at the top priority. Paul tells us, in the letter of Philippians, to not be anxious, but to pray and let the peace of God guard your heart and mind.
Discipline of Scripture – Dwell Richly
Consistent reading of scripture can have a very powerful impact. We pray that you can move from a feeling of obligation and becomes a time of great pleasure.
Discipline of Scripture Reading
Being Jesus people means being bible people. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Discipline of Service
The apostles have a crown on their minds, but Jesus had a cross on His. Christ teaches us that service is true greatness. Serve out of gratitude for what He has done.