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Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 8
In Romans 5:12-21, the Apostle Paul shows how Jesus came as the “second Adam” to fix a very broken earth, originally broken by the “first Adam” in the Garden of Eden.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 7
Three times in Romans 5:1-11, the Apostle Paul tells us to rejoice in our sufferings … not for, but in. Pastor Donnie explains how that is possible.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 6
Are we justified by works or by faith? That’s the question the Apostle Paul addresses in Romans 3:27-4:12.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 5
In our summer study of the Book of Romans, Pastor Donnie teaches on chapter 3, verses 21-31.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 4
In Romans 3:1-20, Paul continues to explain why sin is something everyone needs to be delivered from, not just taught about avoiding.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 3
Pastor Donnie continues his verse-by-verse study of the Book of Romans, today looking at chapter 2, verses 1-29.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 2
Pastor Donnie continues his new summer study of the Book of Romans., looking closely at chapter 1.
Grace Changes Everything, Pt. 1
Pastor Donnie introduces the new summer series taking “a deep dive” into the Book of Romans and the anatomy of our faith as Paul teaches there.
I Will Sing, Pt. 2
Pastor Donnie finishes his two-week look at why singing, in particular, is such a wonderful form of worship.
I Will Sing, Pt. 1
We were all created to worship something or someone. The choice we all have is where or to whom do we direct our worship? Jesus said that His followers will worship Him in spirit and in truth. This Sunday and next Pastor Donnie will look at why singing, in particular, is such a wonderful form of worship.
A Living Hope: The Impact of the Resurrection, Pt. 3
Derek Smith finishes the Sunday series: “A Living Hope: The Impact of the Resurrection, Pt. 3,” with this message.
A Living hope: The impact of the resurrection, Pt. 2
Part 2 of the series: “A Living Hope, the Impact of the Resurrection.”