Current Series (Page 29)

Current Series (Page 29)

Listen to the current sermon series

Join us on Sundays at 10am (Pacific Time) for a live stream of our services here. 

Knowing God by Name – Abba Father

God reveals to us a name that speaks to the kind of relationship He desires to have with us. He says that He is our “Abba,” or father. This is not the formal “Father” that we often think about, but the informal “Daddy” that children use with their parent. God wants us to have that kind of intimate familiar relationship with Him.

Knowing God by Name – Jehovah Shalom

The Hebrew word for peace is “Shalom,” and it means so much more than simply the absence of conflict. It means to be complete, fulfilled, and whole. God reveals Himself as the God of peace through His name Jehovah Shalom.