"Spiritual Discipline" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)
Discipline of Scripture Reading
Being Jesus people means being bible people. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Discipline of Service
The apostles have a crown on their minds, but Jesus had a cross on His. Christ teaches us that service is true greatness. Serve out of gratitude for what He has done.
What have you become? What are you becoming? If you look at your Christianity as a suitcase full of rich gifts is your focus only on the destination tag? Open the suitcase and live life to the full. Don’t be a spiritual Mr. Magoo |o)
Practice – Service
If we are thinking of serving others by trying harder, there we are missing something. Serving needs to be part of a spiritual discipline. Practice serving through your gifts and in serving sacrificially.
Practice – Prayer
Prayer is very personal and seems to be instinctive and can be powerful. Lets talk about some practical methods to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer.
With the new year here it is a great time to be dedicated to some good spiritual disciplines. Let’s talk about reading scripture and prayer.
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