Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 30)

Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 30)

True Justice

Ecclesiastes – Pt.4 Justice is a desire for Gods will. But this world is filled with injustice. Jesus will judge and make all things right.

Time Makes all the Difference

Ecclesiastes – Pt.3 Time is powerful. Time is limited. God is sovereign over time. We need to trust Jesus with the fullness of the time we have been given.


Ecclesiastes – Pt.1 Where do you draw meaning? The author of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) begins looking at the many world views that offer meaning and recognizes that all is futile without God.

Chapter 11 – Pt.5

The day to day Christian walk can be very challenging. Look to Jesus as out model. The source of our help and the source of grace.

Chapter 11 – Pt.3

Overcome the obstacles to faith. God is bigger than your fears. God is bigger than all of your sins. File Chapter 11 on your fears, your pride, your sin and receive the grace He offers.

Chapter 11 – Pt.1

As believers in Christ we are under Chapter 11 protection. We place our lives in the protection of Gods promises. What is faith? What is it not? What does faith do? Don’t get trapped in today’s false dichotomy of faith. Have a firm, settled, confidence in God’s plans.

Now What?

Liferoads has made a big move. We moved buildings. Now What? First let’s ask, “Who are we?” We are rooted in the Bible as truth. We are Jesus is center. As Peter told Jesus, “To whom would we go? You have words of eternal life.” Let us prayerfully consider what God is calling us to next – in bringing life abundant (Jn 10:10b).

Turn and Receive Grace

A crippled man is healed through Peter and he tells the crowd, “You have put to death the author of life, but God has raised Him [so repent and receive His grace].” This is a metaphor for us, crippled and in need of His healing. Turn to His grace.

Signs of Life – Gentleness

Words can hurt deeply and can heal beautifully. Gentleness or Meekness is power under control. Jesus had/has the power beyond the universe and his yoke is easy.