Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 29)

Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 29)

Practice – Prayer

Prayer is very personal and seems to be instinctive and can be powerful. Lets talk about some practical methods to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer.


With the new year here it is a great time to be dedicated to some good spiritual disciplines. Let’s talk about reading scripture and prayer.

Imagine a City Changed

God tells the Israelites to seek the welfare of the city when they were exiled to Babylon. For he knows the plans for them, to prosper them. In a similar way we should seek the welfare of out city. Though we are exiles in this land and a culture separate from this culture. Have an impact.

Imagine a Church on a Mission

LIferoads exists to help people become fully alive in Christ. Like the first church seen in Acts, be devoted to Gods word, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer.