Sermons on Psalms (Page 4)

Sermons on Psalms (Page 4)

Storyline – Creation

Stories are meaningful. Stories are moving. Stories play a huge part in our lives in the day to day all the way up to changing ones life forever. We resonate with stories. There is one true story that tells all stories, it makes the most sense of the world. The story of the Bible. Today Creation. In the beginning God created.

Time Makes all the Difference

Ecclesiastes – Pt.3 Time is powerful. Time is limited. God is sovereign over time. We need to trust Jesus with the fullness of the time we have been given.

Now What?

Liferoads has made a big move. We moved buildings. Now What? First let’s ask, “Who are we?” We are rooted in the Bible as truth. We are Jesus is center. As Peter told Jesus, “To whom would we go? You have words of eternal life.” Let us prayerfully consider what God is calling us to next – in bringing life abundant (Jn 10:10b).

Signs of Life – Peace

The Apostle Paul gives us an action plan in Philippians 4 for what to do when peace is replaced with anxiety and how to cultivate an environment of peace.