Sermons on John

Sermons on John


How can we live each day as though we are sent by Jesus to share Him with the world? Pastor Donnie looks at John 17:18.

Upper Room, Pt. 8

Pastor Donnie picks up his study of Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse at John 16:16, where Jesus wraps up His final message to His disciples on the night He will be arrested, the night before His crucifixion.

Upper Room, Pt. 7

Kylan Kracher continues our study of the Upper Room Discourse, taking a look at John 15:26-16:15 and the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

Upper Room, Pt. 6

Christians either intentionally follow Jesus, or unintentionally follow the world, according to Pastor Donnie’s study of John 15:18-27.

Oikos: Biblical Wisdom for Marriage & Home – Part 4

Parenting is hard …. and rewarding. Ephesians gives us a great guidelines for both parents and children (obey, honor, respect, guide, encourage…). We are all adopted into God’s family and through our adoption there is healing for wounds and mending where there is brokenness.

Practicing the Presence of God – Part 2

How do we live life in God’s presence? We need to know that God speaks, and we need God’s Word more than food. God’s Word is precious. Actively put yourself in Jesus’ path by reading His Holy Word.

Christmas Presence – Part 3

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” God, desiring to be near His creation met them in the Holiest of the Holy place in temple. That temple took different forms over time and today, God resides in us. We are the temple of God.