Sermons on 1 Timothy
Stirred Up – Week 3
Peter is very passionate about warning the early church to be on their guard for false teachers. This is not unique to 2 Peter 2; it is all through scripture. We have a responsibility to know what is true and recognize false teaching. Donnie shares Peter’s insight on how to recognize false teaching.
Paradox – Part 6
How can we be free yet slaves at the same time? Before Christ, we are slaves to sin. Through Christ, we have been set free from sin but in so doing, we have become. slaves to God. We have to make a choice who we will be slaves to: sin or God.
How to Grow – Pt. 1
As Christians, we want to emulate Jesus, but why is it that so often we don’t act the way he would? The solution to this problem is in our identity and our training. Peter tells us that we have been given a new identity by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Because of our new identity, we are encouraged to practice new habits.
“What would Jesus say to President_______?”
John 18:33 – 19:11 Philippians 3:20 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Amazing Grace – That Saved a Wretch Like Me
Becoming aware of our sin is the first steps to salvation and a continual part of Christian maturity. Grace enables us to be humble and confident at the same time.
Faith and Money
Ecclesiastes – Pt.7
Money is a tool, don’t let it become an idol. Work hard, work honest and trust in the Lord to provide.