Sermons on 1 Corinthians

Sermons on 1 Corinthians

Stirred Up – Week 3

Peter is very passionate about warning the early church to be on their guard for false teachers. This is not unique to ⁠2 Peter 2;⁠ it is all through scripture. We have a responsibility to know what is true and recognize false teaching. Donnie shares Peter’s insight on how to recognize false teaching.

An Invitational Life – Week 4

This message is part 4 of our series “An Invitational Life,” where we explore how to join Jesus on His mission, growing from tentative steps to confidently sharing our faith. Drawing on 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the sermon walks through three steps in living a Gospel sharing life:

Oikos: Biblical Wisdom for Marriage & Home – Part 3

Even in the healthiest of relationships there is conflict. Paul writes a beautiful and powerful guide to the broken church of Corinth. From it we can learn the power of and importance of love. Have hope, be kind and extend grace, always fueled by our our future hope promised by our Lord.

Christmas Presence – Part 4

How does one live with the presence of God now; now that you are holy, set aside, and meant for a special purpose? Live as you are the temple of God. The fire of the Holy Spirit lives in you!

To the Ends of the Earth – Part 19

We all have a powerful tool for the Kingdom of God. Your testimony! Today we look at a history changing statement from Paul on trail. He tells kings that Christianity is true and rational, and prayed that all who hear him might become just like him, except for the chains. Your statement can be just as powerful.

The King – Part 7

1 Samuel 22:1-22 Samuel 23:8-22 We need community Mighty people are not born, they are grown Our community changes us 2 Samuel 23:13-171 Corinthians 1:26-31

Paradox – Part 4

What do you do with your weaknesses? We all have areas of our lives that are not as strong as we would like them to be. God uses our areas of weakness to show his strength.

That You May Believe – Part 20

There are certain things in life that people face with a fair amount of skepticism; things like getting a letter saying you have inherited 1 million dollars. In Christianity, one such event that receives a lot of skepticism is the resurrection. Here, we explore the resurrection and reasons why it should be believed.

Apostles Creed – Resurrection

Reasons to believe in the Resurrection of Christ and why does it matter? Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, but to make dead people live. He defeated death. Be steadfast in knowing it is not in vain.
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