Sermon Archive (Page 23)

Sermon Archive (Page 23)

That You May Believe – Part 17

John chapter 17 contains one of Jesus’ prayers; often called the high priestly prayer. He knows that the time has come for him to do that which he came to earth to do. Jesus spends his night in prayer, praying for himself, his disciples, and ultimately us.

That You May Believe – Part 16

As Christians, we are no longer of the world. We are part of a community that has been called out of the world, and the world works overtime to try to force us to conform to itself.

That You May Believe – Part 15

The main emphasis of John 15 is abiding in Christ. Just like a branch broken from a tree, once it is removed from its source of life it is no longer able to continue to grow. We need to be sure that we stay connected to Jesus.

That You May Believe – Part 13

How do you know how to get where you are going? Today we use technology like GPS. The disciples needed different kind of directions. They needed spiritual directions. Jesus tells them to believe in the “great hope” of his return. He said that He is “the way, the truth and the life.”

That You May Believe – Part 12

Jesus took on the role of the lowliest person present to wash the feet of his disciples. Jesus models absolute humble service, teaching us how we ought to serve others. The way others know that we are followers of Christ is how well we love one another. We need the cleansing of Jesus if we are going to live lives of love.

That You May Believe – Part 11

Jesus Meets us where we are in life, based on our true need. Jesus loved both Mary and Martha, but he responded to each of them differently because of their needs. You, likewise, are the one who Jesus loves, and he knows where the struggles and the pain are.

That You May Believe – Part 10

Our perspective affects everything. We may be convinced of the true of a thing until we get more information. Once we have complete information, we can also have a correct perspective. John chapter 10 challenges our perspective of who Jesus is.

That You May Believe – Part 9

Because sin entered the world through the fall, all of humanity has been negatively affected; some physically, some emotionally, but all of us spiritually. People need a work of God in their lives. We all need to have our eyes opened.

That You May Believe – Part 8

Who is Jesus? Jesus makes many claims about himself and who he is. Some are fairly subdued claims, and others are quite overt and controversial. We need to recognize that Jesus is God, and not a bit less.

That You May Believe – Part 7

“If anyone thirsts…” In John chapter 7, Jesus makes another “I am” statement. He says he is the “living water.” As we look at our own lives we should ask ourselves what we thirst for, and if we are coming to Jesus to quench that thirst.

That You May Believe – Part 6

The Israelites were provided manna from heaven during their wandering. Likewise, we have been given bread from heaven; the bread of life. Today we explore what it means for Jesus to be the bread of life.