Sermons on James

Sermons on James

Practical Faith – Pt. 10

James highlights that we should not act as the judge. Leave that up to Jesus, we should seek the Lord in all thing and encourage each other toward Jesus.

Oikos: Biblical Wisdom for Marriage & Home – Part 3

Even in the healthiest of relationships there is conflict. Paul writes a beautiful and powerful guide to the broken church of Corinth. From it we can learn the power of and importance of love. Have hope, be kind and extend grace, always fueled by our our future hope promised by our Lord.

Faith in a Time of Unbelief – Part 2

God provides! We look at a story of how God provides for Elijah in remarkable ways Though God’s provision for you will not likely come from ravens dropping food He will provide generously and powerfully in your life.

Paradox – Part 6

How can we be free yet slaves at the same time? Before Christ, we are slaves to sin. Through Christ, we have been set free from sin but in so doing, we have become. slaves to God. We have to make a choice who we will be slaves to: sin or God.

The Art and Science of Gratitude – Pt. 2

Quite often we get the feeling of joy and gratitude in reverse order. We think that if we are feeling joy that it will make us grateful. This is backwards. We need to be grateful first, no matter the circumstances, and the feelings of joy will follow.

The Art and Science of Gratitude – Pt. 1

Humans tend to notice the bad over the good. We tend to focus on the negative far more than the positive. We have all experience one negative word drowning out many positive words. Why is that? And how can we change our hearts so the negative doesn’t outweigh the positive as much?