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Fearless – Pt. 2
In our series “Fearless” we explore the conflict between fear and faith (or fear and courage). This week we look at the story of Moses and his example.
Fearless – Pt. 1
Through this series we want you to become fearless; or at the very least, that you would fear less.
Hallelujah for the Cross
The word “hallelujah” comes from the two Hebrew words meaning “praise God.” This Easter, we praise God for the cross, and for the love He had for us that led Him to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 10
Jesus says (paraphrasing), “This is the kind of life I want youth live, and the kind of live I’m going to help you live.”
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 9
Self-evaluation can be valuable in our spiritual lives. The sermon on the mount has provided many opportunities for introspection. Where are you today?
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 8
Have you ever found yourself worrying about the future? In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us that we are not supposed to be anxious about tomorrow.
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 7
Matthew 6:19-24
Sermon on the Mount – Pt.6
Motives matter. The Christian cause is more than posturing it is a life of serving and giving from the heart out of Love for our King.
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 5
Traits of the citizens of the Kingdom of God : Faithful, Truthful, Trusting God, Loving.
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 4
Raising the bar. This portion of the sermon on the mount digs into the heart of what the Mosaic law was trying to get to. We find that often the things we may think are “not such a big deal” often are.
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 3
Jesus did not abolish the law. He came to give us Kingdom.
Sermon on the Mount – Pt. 2
Matthew 5:1-16