Current Series (Page 22)

Current Series (Page 22)

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The Life – Part 3

Gathering to worship with the church is a practice that helps us to abide in Christ. The church is a “who” far more than it is a “where.” People are worshipers by nature; they don’t choose whether they will worship, they can only decide who or what to worship. The church gathers to worship God together.

Faith and Wonder – Part 3

Christmas season often inspires feelings of warmth and comfort. The Christmas story has some elements of conflict to it though. Jesus was born into a world at conflict, and his ministry created conflict. But Jesus came into the world to fix the broken things and nothing is able to stop him.

Faith and Wonder – Part 2

We aren’t amazed when the description of “X” matches the actual appearance of “X” when we buy a product. However, even though the coming of the messiah was prophesied (description of “X”), we continue to be amazed at the was Christ fulfilled those prophesies.

Faith And Wonder – Part 1

As we age we tend to forget the faith and wonder surrounding Christmas that we had as children. John marvels in the wonder of the incarnation, and he encourages us to do the same.

That You May Believe – Part 21

We all have things in our life that we would like to go back and redo or reset. We don’t always get that chance though. Jesus fives us the opportunity, not to go back and reset, but at least to have a clean slate.

That You May Believe – Part 20

There are certain things in life that people face with a fair amount of skepticism; things like getting a letter saying you have inherited 1 million dollars. In Christianity, one such event that receives a lot of skepticism is the resurrection. Here, we explore the resurrection and reasons why it should be believed.

That You May Believe – Part 17

John chapter 17 contains one of Jesus’ prayers; often called the high priestly prayer. He knows that the time has come for him to do that which he came to earth to do. Jesus spends his night in prayer, praying for himself, his disciples, and ultimately us.