Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 18)
Paradox – Part 3
How can one be sorrowful yet also be rejoicing? The key is knowing that though life is hard and painful, God is good and we are able to rejoice in Him. “Joy is the serious business of heaven.” C.S. Lewis
Paradox – Part 2
Peter needed to understand what is required to follow Jesus. The paradox is that in order to find his life he had to lose it. This requires a change of mindset; take your mind off the things of man and put it on the things of God.
Paradox – Part 1
A paradox is one truth along side a seemingly contradictory second truth. How do we deal with two truths that seem to contradict each other? Scripture presents many paradoxes, and we will explore how to deal with a few of them in this new series.
The Life – Part 4
Getting to know Jesus is our goal. We want to build a relationship with Him through the practice of prayer.
The Life – Part 3
Gathering to worship with the church is a practice that helps us to abide in Christ. The church is a “who” far more than it is a “where.” People are worshipers by nature; they don’t choose whether they will worship, they can only decide who or what to worship. The church gathers to worship God together.
The Life – Part 2
Bible Reading Jeremiah 15:16Matthew 4:42 Timothy 3:16-17Hebrews 4:12John 17:17
The Life – Part 1
Identity. Abiding in Christ
Faith and Wonder – Part 3
Christmas season often inspires feelings of warmth and comfort. The Christmas story has some elements of conflict to it though. Jesus was born into a world at conflict, and his ministry created conflict. But Jesus came into the world to fix the broken things and nothing is able to stop him.
Faith and Wonder – Part 2
We aren’t amazed when the description of “X” matches the actual appearance of “X” when we buy a product. However, even though the coming of the messiah was prophesied (description of “X”), we continue to be amazed at the was Christ fulfilled those prophesies.
Faith And Wonder – Part 1
As we age we tend to forget the faith and wonder surrounding Christmas that we had as children. John marvels in the wonder of the incarnation, and he encourages us to do the same.
That You May Believe – Part 20
There are certain things in life that people face with a fair amount of skepticism; things like getting a letter saying you have inherited 1 million dollars. In Christianity, one such event that receives a lot of skepticism is the resurrection. Here, we explore the resurrection and reasons why it should be believed.
That You May Believe – Part 19
The most significant death for the Christian is the death of Christ. Unknowingly, every one involved in the death of Jesus was a part of Scripture being fulfilled.