Sermons by Donnie Johnson (Page 18)
The King – Part 4
1 Samuel 18:1-161 Samuel 14:61 Samuel 20:14-15, 421 Samuel 23:15-18 3 Marks of True Friendship1. Selflessness2. Loyalty3. Authenticity John 15:12-17
The King – Part 2
1 Samuel 13:13-141 Samuel 15:10-311 Samuel 16:6-13 To obey is better than sacrifice Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart We must choose between living for the approval of others or living for an audience of one Psalm 23
The King – Part 1
2 Samuel 23:1-7 5 Big Lessons that King David Teaches Us1. David teaches us about relating to God2. David teaches us about what it means to be a worshipper3. David teaches us about the need for a king who rules righteously4. David teaches us about Jesus5. David teaches us about facing troubles
Paradox – Part 6
How can we be free yet slaves at the same time? Before Christ, we are slaves to sin. Through Christ, we have been set free from sin but in so doing, we have become. slaves to God. We have to make a choice who we will be slaves to: sin or God.
Paradox – Part 5
The paradox this week is seeing the unseen. Faith is the key to being able to “see” that which is unseen. Not that the unseen is able to be seen with the physical eyes, but the spirit perceives the unseen through faith.
Paradox – Part 4
What do you do with your weaknesses? We all have areas of our lives that are not as strong as we would like them to be. God uses our areas of weakness to show his strength.
Paradox – Part 3
How can one be sorrowful yet also be rejoicing? The key is knowing that though life is hard and painful, God is good and we are able to rejoice in Him. “Joy is the serious business of heaven.” C.S. Lewis
Paradox – Part 2
Peter needed to understand what is required to follow Jesus. The paradox is that in order to find his life he had to lose it. This requires a change of mindset; take your mind off the things of man and put it on the things of God.
Paradox – Part 1
A paradox is one truth along side a seemingly contradictory second truth. How do we deal with two truths that seem to contradict each other? Scripture presents many paradoxes, and we will explore how to deal with a few of them in this new series.
The Life – Part 4
Getting to know Jesus is our goal. We want to build a relationship with Him through the practice of prayer.
The Life – Part 3
Gathering to worship with the church is a practice that helps us to abide in Christ. The church is a “who” far more than it is a “where.” People are worshipers by nature; they don’t choose whether they will worship, they can only decide who or what to worship. The church gathers to worship God together.