"Story" Tagged Sermons

"Story" Tagged Sermons

Storyline – Easter

Through the great story line of the universe (creation-fall-redemption-restoration) Jesus completes us and we are the continuation of the story.

Storyline – Restoration

Though this world is broken we can be reconciled with God. In that reconciliation we are being transformed and restored. In the same restoration we will be fully restored to a glorified state when Jesus the perfect king and judge returns. We are not home yet.

Storyline – Redemption

This is the story of the Bible, the biggest story ever told. God created an unbroken world and it is no longer the way it should be because of sin. Jesus has redeemed us at a great cost purchasing you from slavery. How grateful are you? How does this effect your life?

Storyline – Fall

Why isn’t the world the way it should be? Well, the answer is sin. It all began at the fall. This event from Genesis has an impact to this day, globally, relationally and personally. Until sin is bitter Christ will not be sweat.

Storyline – Creation

Stories are meaningful. Stories are moving. Stories play a huge part in our lives in the day to day all the way up to changing ones life forever. We resonate with stories. There is one true story that tells all stories, it makes the most sense of the world. The story of the Bible. Today Creation. In the beginning God created.