Men’s Ministry
Liferoads is committed to providing numerous opportunities designed to cultivate an atmosphere of spiritual growth for men! We believe God designed men to be protectors and providers and hope to appeal to this natural instinct as we encourage healthy relationships in large and small group settings!
We really like the emphasis expressed in the last verse of the Old Testament and are asking God to accomplish this in each of us – Malachi 4:6a*
He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the
hearts of children to their fathers…
*Note: Most translations are “fathers” instead of “parents”
Each week the men get together for Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm as a part of U.Night.
Women’s Ministry
Liferoads Women’s Ministry Exists to help women grow in grace and become all that they can be for God. We believe that this foundation, between themselves and God, lays the foundation for everything else — family, friendships, marriage, and life.
Wednesday Bible Studies
As a part of U.Night, the ladies gather on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm to study God’s word together. Each quarter sees different studies to chose from.